Krasus (or the red dragon Korialstrasz) molded the remaining energies
of the Sunwell into
a human
Surprisingly, that avatar became more than an illusion, and
gained emotion and thought.
The Sunwell came
from a vial of the Well
of Eternity,
stolen by the surviving Highborne who had rejected the requirement of
druidism upon elves.
The Well
of Eternity was
the massive lake which legend has it, transformed the
dark trolls into the kaldorei, and possibly created the
silithid, the intelligent insectoid race that later evolved into the
Nerubian, Qiraji, and Mantid empires (due to the actions of the Old
The Vale
of Eternal Blossoms is
also rumored to have either a similar or same source of water as
the Well
of Eternity (according
to elven researchers who teleported to Pandaria after the mists
dissipated). According to patch 5.3, below the Vale are
the remnants of the blood of Y'Shaarj,
the slain Old
The Sha are massive avatars of
the blood of Y'Shaarj (which
flows underneath most of Pandaria), seemingly created by Shaohao in
coordination with Yu'lon in his attempt to protect Pandaria (and more
importantly, the Vale)
from the eyes of Sargeras and his army. They are avatars of
pure emotion - in this case, negative emotions such as fear, despair,
anger, and so on.
If the Vale's waters were "blessed" by the blood of
Y'Shaarj, then it's possible the blood of Y'Shaarj was also used to
"bless" the waters of the Well of Eternity.
If the blood of the Old Gods is potent enough to transform and evolve
creatures, then they truly are chaos - death and life co-mingling in
"destructive harmony".
The blood of Y'Shaarj, as shown in the scenario "The Dark Heart
of Pandaria," has taken on a living form (primal slimes). The
blood of Y'Shaarj has also shown intelligent thought and explosive
emotion through the Sha, although this is perhaps primarily because
the Sha were created in order to purify Shaohao of his negative
emotions so that he would be powerful enough to shield Pandaria from
the fallen titan's army. Anveena, as a being of the energies
and waters of the Sunwell (a remnant of the original Well), also
shows thought and emotion although as she wasn't formed as a vehicle
of negative emotion, shows far more restraint in destruction.
If the waters of the Well and the waters of the Vale both have these
"life qualities," it is feasible that the waters themselves
are alive in some respect, thus intermingling with creatures and
through that process (much like the act of reproduction) creating new
life out of two different elements - the life in the water, and the
life drinking from the water.
Therefore, the Old Gods are not necessarily evil, and while they use
a shape that is horrific to most people, that doesn't mean the shape
in itself is horrific in an absolute sense. The Titans are
prime Order, while the Old Gods are prime Chaos. Order's
intentions are to enslave and control life, while Chaos's intentions
are to let life and death both free in anarchy. In this sense,
it is perfectly reasonable that Anveena and the Sha were both born
from the same conceptual beginning, but because of their formation,
resulted in vastly different outcomes. This also says that much
like Anveena was used by Kael'thas to summon Kil'jaeden, the Sha
could be used (if controlled) by mortal hands (say, Garrosh) to
create massive rifts in space-time. Just as Kael'thas wasn't
corrupted (although you could say he was swayed by his lust... at
least until his end), neither is Garrosh, but both are attempting to
use those same powers for personal gain.